“Sound Doctrine.”  |  Imperfect Photography by Imperfect Ronnie  |  (Titus 1:9).

Sound Doctrine

Theologically Grounded

Personally Relevant

Immediately Practical

Care to share how truth is applied?

All too often, pastors and parachurch leadership are learning from, and making referrals to, secular professionals. Now is your chance to connect your Christian leaders to an organization and resources that are aligned with your belief system—in terms of both personal faith and professional work.


Will you provide others the opportunity to consider the hardest issues of life from a Biblical perspective? Will you allow us the opportunity to hear your thoughts and explore the comfort God offers to us?

Marriage Counseling Workshops

Faith Working Through Love: Proposal

  • Dissertation for Regent University

Faith Working Through Love: Defense

  • Dissertation for Regent University

Biblical Progressions Workshops


TRUE: A Biblical Counseling Progression

FOCUS: A Biblical Counseling Progression

Intergenerational Healing/Growth Workshops

Family-in-Christ Theology

Family-in-Christ Theology as Family Systems Therapy: Efficacy and Effectiveness in Redeeming Trauma

Forgiveness: Practical considerations in God’s ministry of reconciliation

Mental Health Care for Single Moms

Mental Health for Single Moms

Viewing the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) from a [Bio-Psycho-Social] / [Spiritual] Conceptualization.

Crisis, Trauma, & Grief Workshops

Thanatology: Family-in-Christ Theology and Family Systems Theory

Complicated Grief: Bereavement in 3 Types of Parental Loss



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    I notice that ICHTHYSroe offers both workshops and groups. What's the difference between the two?

    While both workshops and groups have a facilitator who works with participants, the former is geared towards teaching and the latter has a greater emphasis on exploration. Also, workshops are reserved for organizations where members wish to strengthen pre-existing relationships (think team-building), whereas groups generally comprise participants who come as individuals to grow in the context of new relationships (although many organizations also leverage us for groups because of our facilitators' specific training/expertise). Finally, due to these two considerations, workshops are generally larger than groups (which are kept between 5-8 participants who are interviewed before joining).

    We have plenty of pastors. What's the difference between a sermon and a workshop?

    While both sermons and workshops are both oriented towards teaching, the former are expositions of God's Word in monologues, the latter are interactive in nature. Also, organizations generally find it invaluable to have an external facilitator; not only do the pastors need a break, but even more importantly, they benefit from growing alongside their flock once in a while (especially from someone outside of their organization).

    My church has guest speakers from time to time to fill the preaching circuit. Are you able to deliver a sermon?

    Yes. The beauty of being a Biblical counseling organization is that we can provide a seminary-trained Reformed theologian who has the heavenly wisdom to deliver sound doctrine, with the additional benefit of personal and practical application.